Archives: Portfolios

The Reset Key

TRK The Reset Key The Reset Key is an online digital health and fitness company specializing in personalized lifestyle management and weight loss programs Front-End UI/UX Back-End OVERVIEW About the Client The Reset Key is an online digital health and…

PJ Sands

PJDS PJ Douglas Sands Official Website for PJ Douglas Sands CoachingĀ  Front-End UI/UX Back-End OVERVIEW About the Client PJ Sands has created a step-by-step syetem that will help you take control of your finances, your business, your productivity and create…

Hurricane Dorian Relief Bahamas

HRB Hurricane Relief Bahamas Diversity Consulting Organization for the U.S. Government. Front-End UI/UX Back-End OVERVIEW About the Client Hurricane Relief Bahamas is a collaboration of public and private sector organizations working together to gather donations and volunteer efforts for The…


DU Diverse USA Diversity Consulting Organization for the U.S. Government. Front-End UI/UX Back-End OVERVIEW About the Client Chief Diversity Officers, Diversity COnsulktants & Inclusion Officers, Federal Leaders: Diverse-USA is the cutting-edge collective that helps you to operationalize and sustain mission-focus…

Barry Williams Photography

BWP Barry Williams Photography There is something, both magical and motivating, in the ability to create images that resonate deeply with the viewers that see them. I get to create these types of images mostly through photographing weddings and engagements.…